Thursday, 23 May 2013

eyes bag aka dark circle...

eye bag yer...bukan tea bag..hahaha..aku punya masalah eye bag..atau dark circle atau lingkaran gelap bawah mata..ada org kata sebab letih tgk pc..almaklum la keje as system analyst ni takkan aku nak menulis plak je kan...tapi secara hakikat nyer sbb dark cycle ni faktor utama hormon..usia..dan letih....akak ton da tua la katakannnnnnnnnnnnn...hukhuhkhuhk

ketara bila amik gambor..yg jelas mata aku bela kiri akan nampak sangat kantung gelappppppppp ada org kata petua nak hilangkan eye beg ni letak almond oil...almond???cam nak wat kek je ek...

so post ni aku dapat dari website how to treat dark eyes circle...

1) Apply peeled and grated raw potato to your eyes at least three times per week. Leave the potatoes on your eyes overnight if possible.  > aku lum penah cuba..setakat ni kentang buat makan je.hukhuhkhuk

2) Soak cotton balls in cucumber juice or slice a fresh cucumber and apply them to your eyes. Leave them on for 15 minutes for a relaxing treatment that helps reduce dark eye circles.  > waaa...mesti nyaman sejuk je ek bijik mata kalau ikut petua ni..tapi timun susah ada stok sejak mak aku stop meniaga nasik lemak ni..huhuuhhu

3) Massage almond oil into the skin surrounding your eyes at bedtime. Try this for two weeks to see results. > yang aku cakap kata almond oil ada jual kat kedai jual barang2 nak wat kek..huhuuhh..tahu makan jeeeeee...

4) Practice pranayama, which is a controlled breathing exercise. Try this everyday for at least five minutes to reduce stress. Visit the Yoga Site website for information on how to practice pranayama. > pranayama??apa nama??ayoooo..apa pun tak leh blah..petua ni confirm aku tak ikut derrrrrrrrrrrrr

5) Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated can help reduce dark eye circles. > sejak 2 menjak ni mmg rajin minum air..tapi tau je laaaaaaa..bila da minum banyak asik nak ulang bilik air jeeeeeeee

6) Eat a healthful diet containing fresh fruits and vegetables. > ni tak confirm ikut..hahaha..sebab mata asik nampak ayam jeeeeeeee..mane tak badan tu cam ayam daging..uhuhuhuhuhuhu

7) Get plenty of restful sleep. > selalu den tido kalau weekdays kul 11..kul bangun kul 6..kira 6 jam..cukup takkkkkkkkkkkkkk?huhhuuhu...terlebih tido pun kadang2 pening kepala wei..hukhuhkhuhk

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