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My Idol |
ok...takde citer ape..sebab the hot issues sepanjang tahun lepas la ni org duk pusing pasal citer kurus ni..kurus sane...erm..poyos!!!!as usual...org lain sebok kurus..aku still mkn..still eager nak makan yg best2..tak sabar nak makan dimsum ngan my TTC..huhuhuuhuhuhu
Aku pun pelik..sebab bila cite pasal makan..perasaan tu teruja dan berkobar2 sangat..sebab aku pikir..bila aku makan aku happy sangat...bukan takut gemok...tapi bila tgk baju2 aku still muat means aku still maintain kan???uhuhuhuhuh..yang penting kita happy maaaaaaaaaa....and make sure korang kene surround ngan geng2 yang kuat makan jugak...baru rasa tak ketinggalan...uhuhuhuhuhuh
Ni some tips to Look Good Despite Being Overweight
- If you have a problem with eating too much, just say to yourself "wait am I hungry or bored?" If so, it would be a good idea to try adopt some healthy habits, such as having a balanced diet and exercising. If you are just a little heavier than average, but you do not believe that it is affecting your health, proceed. Tapi aku tak jugak..ade masa terluang still ngunyah jugak...time perut bunyi even baru lepas makan still cari bende yang boleh munch-munch...
- Secure some money and go shopping! Bring some friends to help you decide what looks good and what doesn't if you want. Some people feel more comfortable shopping alone, however. Aku suka shopping sorang2..sebab kalau kua ngan mak aku kang dia bising..tapi kadang2 kalau nak shopping bawak mak bagus jugak..sebab dia BANKER aku...uhuhuhuhuh
- Don't stick to any particular style. If you want to wear purple rubber boots, by all means, wear them. This step really goes for anyone. Having a variety of clothing styles make you a very interesting person and gives good first impressions. If it looks good on you, buy it. Don't listen to people who say that the hottest, most ridiculously expensive store in the mall is the only acceptable clothing store. Develop your own look based on your personality. Kalau rasa style..baju..or color tuh elok untuk diri sendiri pakai je...tak yah pikir orang lain..orang kata pakai hitam leh nampak kurus...tapi even aku 3G aku still pakai PUTIH..ada aku kesah orang kata putih nanti nampak gemok???
- Wear your new clothes. People will probably compliment you on your new style. Smile and enjoy your cuteness. Ni aku selalu buat...2 bulan sekali aku mesti gi cari kain nak wat baju kurung ke ape ke pakai gi keje...bijak membeli menang memakai...ko cari je baju semeter rm 6 then ko wat baju kurung moden..pastu ko tampal la stones...tak pun kalau baju plain ko jahit la manik...serius..baju ko akan nampak mahal even ko beli kat kamdar hatta nagoya sekalipun...sebab baju tuh cantik ikut pemakai nyer...kalau baju mahal pemakai nyer yang adoooooooooooo...yang ado jugak la jadik baju tuh...uhuhuh
- Develop your OWN style If that means mixing both the hottest style together, so be it!! You're the leader in what you wear, and don't think about being labeled by the clothes you wear. Baby dolls are great. huhuhuhu..create la style korang...mean identiti la..jangan asik nak follow je...tapi yang di follow pun yang adooooo..huhuhuhu
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contoh terbaekkkkkkkkkkkkkkk |
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adele!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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