Tertarik ngan 1 entry abang nara ni..kes dia dpt email rasa kekecewaan..kekesalan dan maybe ketidaksukaan perasaan sorang reader ni..so dia email abg nara ni as medium dia nak sampaikan ape yg dia rasa..uolssssssssss patut baca...
bila aku baca ader benarnya....
"Dear Hijabista ( @hijabistamag) , Hijabister
I am writing to express my concern over the portrayal of ‘hijab’ women in
your magazine. I believe in the concept of modesty accompanying the
muslimah attire (the hijab included) is a fundamental core one must
embrace. The Hijab is not a replacement of the ‘hair’ we cover. The hijab
isn’t just a cloth or layers of cloth on your head. It comes with a
package. Of intellect, manners and adab. It is a symbol of the believing
women, her ‘modesty’- A sign of dignity and pride. Your magazine bears no
sign of ‘modesty’ and I say this clearly, this is definitely very WRONG!
Portraying hijab women and “doll-ing” them up like models in Vogue but then
only to cover her hair is an absolute disgrace and mockery to us the
believing women. What more the women and cover girls who allow themselves to
be exploited as an object and fool themselves into thinking they are on
their ‘Deen’ and pleasing Allah by just covering their hair… How can you
even think you are pleasing Allah with all that make up, ridiculous styles
whilst purposely showing off your beauty and body.
Your magazine just as the likes of vogue and cosmopolitan has NO
intellectual nor spiritual dimensions to it except to brainwash and create
an unnecessary desire to the ‘hijabisters’ to own more and more stuff. In
reality, a real, true believing women DOES not need to display her
adornments to entice others. The believing woman has self confidence that
what is INSIDE her heart and MIND will indeed be of much more value than
all the silly bangles, sunglasses, shoes and handbags you bombard the
pages of your magazine with.
Your magazine corrupts young, sincere minds into foolishly thinking that
they are more beautiful with more shoes, accessories or ridiculous tudung
styles they do not need.
The best garments as the Quran states is Taqwa. And tell me where, in which
page of your magazine do you propagate this message? None, not one I’m
afraid. It is clearly a consumer driven magazine casting a spell with
women, where one will then start to wish on owning and buying or to ‘copy’
the ‘Photoshop-ed’ girls you portray.
I am afraid you are only destroying the hijab sisters filling their minds
with superficial beauty. Please take a sincere step back and help many lost
sisters out there to care more about diseases of their hearts instead of
merely emphasizing a message of “what is important is how you look and tie
your tudung’
A worried Muslimah"
ni maybe hanya pandangan dia..bila baca ada juga benarnya...cube korang amati dan pahami...yang aku suka ayat dia "doll-ing them up like models in Vogue" ..betul la..tgk cover mmg vogue the vasssssssssss...
so renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal....aku pun bukan nak cakap alim no..tapi sesetengah pendapat reader, team publisher kene amik tau jugak.... full article sila klik >> Luahan Hati seorang pembaca
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Terkejut tgk wei...liyana ni kan host Safiyya TV9 tuh...lain benooo.....yay or nay??? |